This article just struck me, as I had grown to realization (or cynicism) that Obama's childhood memory in Jakarta would do nothing to his foreign policy:

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Of course! It's a brilliant touch of diplomacy! He could gain much from Indonesia's sentimentality of the country's mention in the world (if you don't believe in our easy euphoria on Indonesia's mention overseas, go watch any international badminton match; the audiences blast and rumble, showing much respect to the few athletes who could bring Indonesia internationally). Then who else would get much praise from the country for making it famous not as a source of terrorists and natural disasters, but as a nice friendly country for living? A President of the United States will do.
It's true that Obama's years in Jakarta would contribute nothing to his foreign policy. Had not Indonesia the largest Muslim population in the world, it would remain less important to the US. I was so cynic about Obama's policy toward Indonesia that I forgot our country now plays a more critical role in the Islamic world than the Middle East, thanks to the bombings and fundamentalist movements in our country.
However, if the visit comes true, cynicism remains. What would a POTUS do to overcome extremism here? Obama may be a charismatic leader and great orator, but some groups are less sentimental than others.
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Of course! It's a brilliant touch of diplomacy! He could gain much from Indonesia's sentimentality of the country's mention in the world (if you don't believe in our easy euphoria on Indonesia's mention overseas, go watch any international badminton match; the audiences blast and rumble, showing much respect to the few athletes who could bring Indonesia internationally). Then who else would get much praise from the country for making it famous not as a source of terrorists and natural disasters, but as a nice friendly country for living? A President of the United States will do.
It's true that Obama's years in Jakarta would contribute nothing to his foreign policy. Had not Indonesia the largest Muslim population in the world, it would remain less important to the US. I was so cynic about Obama's policy toward Indonesia that I forgot our country now plays a more critical role in the Islamic world than the Middle East, thanks to the bombings and fundamentalist movements in our country.
However, if the visit comes true, cynicism remains. What would a POTUS do to overcome extremism here? Obama may be a charismatic leader and great orator, but some groups are less sentimental than others.
wuihh.. mantaps..
ReplyDeletememang harusnya ali azmi jadi pengganti ali alatas lahh... hee ;D
kalo suka baca, ni additional information;
wah wah wah...
ReplyDeletejadi sudah jelas nih irwan (zbr) kelompok yang mana :p
gw juga sinis deh soal obama ini. udah jelas dia sejak jadi kandidat menyatakan "setia" ke israel, lah ngapain kita memuja-muja?? liat aja deh ntar, kuat gak dia mengikuti hati nurani nya. huaaaa.....
ReplyDeletegw jujur aja sih, awalnya memang memuja, tapi waktu pengumuman anggota kabinetnya jadi kecewa gitu. kok jadi didominasi orang2 kanan???