Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Piece of Me

A chat with an old friend reminds me of old days and the laughs. He really made my day!

He: ... yang aku inget dari kamu tauu ga
Me: apa?
He: pas makan pecel lele minta tambah nasi .. "mas nasinya tambah donk kan saya tidak minta setengah" HAHAHAA
He: :D
He: hadehhh
Me: hahaha
Me: loh abis sapa suruh si masnya sok tau
Me: mentang2 gw kecil kurus
Me: dikira gw makan porsi setengah

But seriously, that mas pecel lele near our old office gave him full-plate portion and me half-portion instead. Without even asking me. I was offended. Ain't stereotyping fun, eh?

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